Friday, January 17, 2014

Reading for next week

So, game on. Read Chapter 1 in the Feature Writing textbook.

And read these three (3) stories below. One is about Lindsay Lohan. And the other is about Joe Biden. And the other is about ... a kid you've never heard of.

You'll see you don't need someone famous to do a compelling story -- in fact, it might be harder to write something compelling about someone like Ms. Lohan (overexposed, nearly famous for being famous) or someone like Vice President Biden (a politician, ugh, someone who you think you know everything about, who you might not like very much at all).

Print them out. Print them on paper front and back -- because they will slay trees, otherwise.

Read them with a pen. Underline, circle anything that catches your eye. Anything that surprises you, anything that makes you say, "Wow, that's a great detail!" or "Wow, that made me FEEL something!" or "Wow, I wonder how the reporter got that?"

We'll talk about the stories next class.

Have you heard the one about Joe Biden? by Jeanne Marie Laskas, GQ

Here is what happens when you cast Lindsay Lohan in your movie by Stephen Roderick, NYT Magazine

Amid churchgoers, orphan Davion pleads for a family by Lane Degregory, Tampa Bay Times

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