Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Long-form stories are hits with readers

Interesting story about how the Indianapolis Star had a long article do massive traffic:

"The exorcisms of Latoya Ammons," a 5,300-word feature by investigative reporter Marisa Kwiatkowski, has become one of the most widely read pieces in the paper's history since it was published last month, according to Jeff Taylor, the Star's editor and VP-news. But even as the story continues to rack up social shares to make BuzzFeed jealous, including 62,000 on Facebook, the paper may find more luck cashing in via Hollywood than on Madison Avenue.

Also of note:

Either way, long-form works of journalism such as "The exorcism of Latoya Ammons" is becoming more attractive to publishers, including digital-only players such as BuzzFeed and Business Insider, as they seek to build engagement with readers and show social media sites like Facebook that their content is high quality. 

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